Start of the application phase for Nina-Grunenberg-Fellowship
This year, Publix is once again granting the Nina-Grunenberg-Fellowship, a further education scholarship for journalists that provides an insight into the German school system. Journalists and media professionals who have already completed the program can also apply for a research fellowship on the topic of education. The closing date for applications is 9 February 2025.
The Nina-Grunenberg-Fellowship and the application process is therefore conducted in German.

‘The journalist must know his subject in order to be able to ask specific questions (impertinently if necessary).’ wrote Nina Grunenberg, who was regarded as an expert on education and higher education issues. The fellowship named after her was initiated and organized for the first time in 2023 by the Schöpflin Foundation, Wübben Stiftung Bildung and ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS. Since 2024, Publix has sponsored and implemented the program. The Nina-Grunenberg-Fellowship will continue to be funded by the three initiators.
The scholarship applies to freelance journalists and those who work for local and national media and news agencies. Journalists and media professionals who are interested in in-depth reporting on schools and the education system in Germany are eligible for funding.
In two fourteen-day blocks, the program offers networking and research opportunities as well as insights into the German school system, state and federal politics, administration and science. It also provides an opportunity for exchange with schools, editorial offices, educational institutions and political institutions.
Program period: 05/12 - 05/23/025 (Please note: updated period) and 11/10/ - 11/21/25 in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf and other cities.
Scholarship benefits: Participation is free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs are covered as well as salary compensation of 3.500 Euros.
Applications are open to journalists, editors or media professionals who work for German editorial offices (public or private media), in news agencies or with their own formats on online and social media platforms.
The application must include:
- a motivational letter (describing your personal, professional or journalistic interest in educational journalism with a focus on schools, max. 1,500 characters)
- CV
- a draft topic (What would you like to write about? What context are you interested in? Who would you like to talk to? max. 1,000 characters)
- two to three informative work samples (texts, graphics, links, videos, audio, to be uploaded as pdf files)
The closing date for applications is 9 February 2025.
If you have any questions about the content and the program, as well as the application and selection process, please contact Juliane Schallau:
Apply now!
Fotos: Paul Alexander Probst
Das Nina Grunenberg Fellowship wird gefördert durch
The Schöpflin Stiftung
As part of its Media and Society program field, the Schöpflin Foundation supports projects and organisations that are committed to raising critical awareness among children, teenagers and young adults as well as to a strong democracy and its further development. Both require an informed society - journalism plays a central role in this.
The Wübben Stiftung Bildung
Founded in 2013, the Wübben Stiftung Bildung is a private educational foundation based in Düsseldorf. Its vision involves ensuring that all children and young people have fair educational opportunities, regardless of their background. This requires an education system that can better guarantee exactly that. In order to come closer to this vision, the Wübben Stiftung Bildung advises, accompanies and supports stakeholders in the education system in the further development of schools in the focus areas.
The ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS supports the development of civil society. The independent non-profit foundation aims to promote knowledge, enrich culture and strengthen skills. Its funding activities focus on science and research, art and culture, education and training, politics and society as well as the Bucerius Lab. The key elements of its commitment are the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, founded in 2000, and the Bucerius Art Forum, established in 2002.