Publix opening ceremony: A house of confidence for journalism and society

‘Come and make this house your own!’ said Publix Director Maria Exner in her opening speech on the evening of September 13th. The opening event welcomed 700 guests from the media, politics and civil society, including the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth, and the founder Hans Schöpflin. 

The Publix House was officially opened on the evening of September 13th with a varied programme. In the presence of around 700 invited supporters, patrons, companions and friends of the house, Publix was handed over to the public. Among the guests was the Minister of State for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth. She spoke at the opening and described a free press ‘as the oxygen of democracy’. She praised Publix as a shining example of civil society's commitment to supporting freedom of opinion and the press. Roth had previously described reliable journalistic reporting as the ‘compass and map of the democratic opinion-forming process’. Adding that, ‘In order to successfully meet the challenges of our time – such as increasing disinformation, the loss of trust in the media or rising costs – new, innovative ways must be found in journalism,’ said Roth. ‘Publix is now creating a network that strengthens the future of our media diversity with concrete projects and innovations.’  

In his speech, Publix founder Hans Schöpflin warned that ‘foundations must not slowdown in their commitment to democracy’. Since its creation in 2001, the Schöpflin Foundation has supported journalistic projects to strengthen democracy and freedom of expression. Publix, which was initiated and developed by the foundation in collaboration with its future users over many years, marks an important milestone in the foundation's mission. 

In her speech, Publix Director Maria Exner emphasised that Publix is, above all, a house of confidence. Although, many view today’s crises as unalterable, she said, ‘Journalism must – and I am convinced that it can – make people want to look to the future. Only if we succeed in giving people the feeling again that we have something to counter the crises of the present can we free ourselves from negativity. And journalism itself needs a good future in order to contribute to this.’ One of Publix’s started aims, is to actively contribute to this future.   

A performance by the vocal ensemble ‘Bodies’ led by Canadian musician Kat Frankie kicked off the party that followed. 

Watch the entire speech (in German; with subtitles)
Read the entire speech


Fotocredit: Paul Alexander Probst

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