Meet the residents: Headliner
In each issue of the newsletter, we present an organisation that has its office in the Publix building. This time: Headliner

What is the core of your work?
We bring journalism and culture together on stage to create special experiences in front of an audience. At the moment, we are focussing on our entertainment format Reporter Slam and our stage magazine JIVE.
How do you do that?
Five to six journalistic stories are adapted for the stage in each show. We are constantly scanning topics and actively approaching reporters whose published stories we feel are particularly suitable for our stage. And depending on the production, we also make targeted calls for submissions. The topics range from local, less recognised content to major social issues.
There's a lot of laughter at the Reporter Slams - the focus is often on bizarre moments and findings during research. JIVE combines strong journalistic stories from all departments with visualisations, music and, for example, dance performances. Each story is prepared with great journalistic care and a passion for good storytelling. The result is informative and entertaining evenings for people of all ages to experience journalism in a completely new way. There's a lot of laughter at the Reporter Slams - the focus is often on bizarre moments and findings during research. JIVE combines strong journalistic stories from all departments with visualisations, music and, for example, dance performances. Each story is prepared with great journalistic care and a passion for good storytelling. The result is informative and entertaining evenings for people of all ages to experience journalism in a completely new way.
Where does the money come from?
We are currently receiving financial support from several foundations and institutions, first and foremost the Schöpflin Foundation. We are currently setting up the Headliner Story Fund, which allows us to identify socially relevant stories and prepare them for a broad live audience. The fund gives journalists the opportunity to present their research live and thus tap into a new source of income. In the future, income from ticket sales should increase significantly so that we can cover an increasing proportion of the show costs.
What are you doing with your commitment?
In times when democracy is coming under increasing pressure, we firmly believe that live journalistic shows can create new places of encounter. People who would otherwise never meet come together and listen to the same stories. For just under two hours, everyone experiences the same ‘feed’. Our aim is to break through filter bubbles, overcome divisions and promote a common understanding.
We hope that this new form of journalism will also reach people who feel overwhelmed or alienated by the news. We give some of the tickets free of charge to people who would otherwise not be able to afford admission - an ideal way to reach young people who have little access to traditional media for social or economic reasons.
What should we definitely take a look at?
The Reporter Slam Annual Final on 18 January 2025 at Heimathafen Neukölln! The best slammers from the previous year will compete against each other. Tickets are always in high demand.