This is Publix

Publix is building a house in Berlin-Neukölln. The building will open on 15th september.

People who are committed to independent journalism will work here. These include organisations such as Correctiv, Netzwerk Recherche, Reporters Without Borders and educational projects.

They all want to find joint solutions to problems in our society. They want to strengthen democracy and cooperation. In a democracy, citizens need independent and credible information. They should be able to understand different points of view. This enables them to form their own opinions.

This is what the people at Publix are working on.

The building has many different rooms on 5 floors. For example, there are offices, rooms for meetings and events, a cafeteria, sound and video studios and ateliers. Publix is open to all people and groups who support this goal.

The Schöpflin Foundation brought Publix into being. There are already many media in Germany, such as public broadcasting, newspapers and private radio stations. Publix is intended to complement this offering and make a special contribution to society.

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