Book launch: »Toxisch reich« – Sebastian Klein in conversation with Julia Friedrichs
Thu, Apr 3, 2025
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
Sebastian Klein, Julia Friedrichs
Why is Germany becoming increasingly unequal? Why does most wealth come from inheritance and not from personal achievement? But why is labour taxed very heavily and wealth not taxed at all? And what dangers arise for democracy when individuals become extremely rich while many get nothing at all from the wealth pie? Elon Musk is the personification of the fact that extreme wealth is perhaps the greatest threat to our democracy. The same development can also be observed in Germany, and it is time to counter it.
Sebastian Klein knows first-hand how the power of money works. The co-founder of Blinkist & Neue Narrative was once a multimillionaire and gave away 90 per cent of his fortune - out of conviction. In his new book ‘Toxisch reich’, he analyses why large fortunes in the hands of individuals are dividing our society, fuelling climate change and endangering democratic processes. Together with author and filmmaker Julia Friedrichs, Klein talks about the effects of wealth on our society and why politicians have long avoided a debate on the fair distribution of wealth.
His book is a passionate appeal for more social justice and a society in which not just a few, but everyone is rich.

Sebastian Klein
Psychologist, entrepreneur and author

Julia Friedrichs
Author and filmmaker