Publix Thursday

How can young people make sense of technology and its impacts when it's 'Everywhere, All the Time'?


Sun, Sep 15, 2024


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Helderyse Rendall , Dominika Knoblochova

The Everywhere, All The Time exhibition is an innovative and captivating public intervention by Tactical tech and co-developed by teens and educators. The exhibition delves into the impacts of technology on the lives of young people, prioritizing timely topics crucial to youth like AI, gaming and the influence flow. Through practical and relatable examples, the exhibition employs simple and familiar language, making this an accessible interactive experience that resonates with youth, educators and everyone interested! The exhibition will be throughout the day at Publix Conference Room. At 1pm you are welcome to join a tour facilitated by Tactical Tech team.


Helderyse Rendall

Senior Project Coordinator | Tactical Tech

Dominika Knoblochova

Project coordinator for What The Future Wants | Tactical Tech

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