Spyware: A threat to press freedom
Thu, Sep 12, 2024
12:45 PM
1:35 PM
Space 2
Reporter ohne Grenzen
Helene Hahn, Janik Besendorf, Christopher Resch
Spyware has become one of the most dangerous methods to attack press freedom and those who rely on it. In response to the widespread and increasing use of spyware against independent media, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has established the Digital Security Lab (DSL). The DSL offers forensic investigations on digital threats against journalists to uncover targeted surveillance attacks that would otherwise remain unnoticed. On this panel Helene Hahn, Janik Besendorf and Christopher Resch from RSF will discuss with a media law expert what needs to change in order to protect critical news media from attacks.

Helene Hahn
Advocacy / Internet Freedom Officer | Reporter ohne Grenzen

Janik Besendorf
IT-Security Expert | Reporter ohne Grenzen

Christopher Resch
Press Officer | Reporter ohne Grenzen