Nahaufnahme 2025: What is the state of press freedom in Germany?
Thu, Apr 10, 2025
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
Ulrike Winkelmann, Lorenz Maroldt, Sophia Maier, Michael Rediske
Attacks at demonstrations, hate speech in digital media, libel suits - journalists are also coming under increasing pressure in Germany. Every year, the organisation ‘Reporters Without Borders’ analyses the status of press freedom in Germany in a ‘close-up’ and shows where the greatest dangers lie.
The report for the year 2025 will be published on April 8 and highlights current challenges for journalists and threats to independent reporting.
How do these threats affect everyday journalism? How can media professionals be better protected so that they can report on protests without an escort? What responsibility does the new federal government bear - and where do editorial offices themselves need to change?
These questions will be discussed by TV reporter Sophia Maier, Tagesspiegel editor-in-chief Lorenz Maroldt and Michael Rediske, board member of Reporters Without Borders and co-author of Nahaufnahme. The discussion will be moderated by taz editor-in-chief Ulrike Winkelmann.

Ulrike Winkelmann
Editor-in-chief | taz

Lorenz Maroldt
Editor | Tagesspiegel

Sophia Maier

Michael Rediske
Board | Reporter ohne Grenzen